Friday, March 7, 2008

Mae's Grandma Harding is back with Heavenly Father.

My Grandma Harding (mom's mom) passed away early this morning. She was 94 years old and was always the sickest grandparent. She is the last of my grandparents to die. She was always always optimistic and cheerful. She took in the underdog and was nice to everyone. She would give the shirt off her back to a perfect stranger. She was always worried about people overdoing and would tell people to sit down and rest. I remember she and my grandpa telling whoever was eating at their house to "make out a meal".

She had diabetes. She had a few falls over the last few years but would keep on going. Her spirit was so strong. She never gave up. She loved everyone.

I am sure that she was welcomed home by her sweetheart (my grandpa). He died 12 years ago. I am sure Heavenly Father welcomed her home with open arms and told her, "well done, thou good and faithful servant."

I was her name sake as her name was Ora Mae Harding. That's where I got Mae from. We would always call each other Mae Dear. I will miss her so much!! I love her for her love she gave everyone else around her.

She will be greatly missed but now she is out of pain and we know we will see her again!!


barbafamily said...

Grandma Harding sounds like she was/is a beautiful lady! So kind and sweet! It is so hard to loose a grandparent but also such a wonderful thing because we know where they have gone :-). I'm sure she had such a wonderful reunion on the other side! My thoughts are with your family!

Kenyon said...

What a great woman she was. My thoughts are with you as well.