Thursday, June 5, 2008

What the doctor said!

Well, today I had another checkup and they said everything looks good. I saw a midwife today because my doctor is in Peru until the 8th. Anyway, she said to try red raspberry leaf tea to help soften my cervix. Anyone ever tried that before? I don't think my body will go into labor by itself as it hasn't in the past. But who knows? Maybe it will be different this time since it is a boy!! :)
Oh, she also said that today the ultrasound was saying that he would weigh today 7 lb. 9 oz. Chris and the girls and I have all put in guesses for weight and day to see who is the closest and gets a prize. They say I can't guess on day since I will probably be scheduling an induction.
Any guesses?


Kenyon said...

I say....8 pounds 4 ounces. Im excited to find out!