Thursday, March 19, 2009

9 months old!

Well, it is official. Matthew is 9 months old as of yesterday. He is such a good natured and good baby that it is very hard to believe he is that old already. He is crawling now, sitting up, and has one tooth on the bottom. His smile just melts your heart. He has his first ear infection this week due to a cough last week given to him by his sisters. How sharing huh!?! Anyway, he is doing well and is so sweet! Here are some current pictures of him:


Jen said...

So what do you think about having a little BOY? See any difference from your girls? All I know is boy stuff....definitely lots of action and lots of dirt! :-)

grapeape said...

it was so good to see y'all on Saturday! kinda crazy how these kids grow so quickly! :)