Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Travis William Heki is born

Well I am finally posting about the birth of Travis William Heki. It was quite the ordeal. First of all I had felt like there was one more baby when Matthew was almost two years old. We tried to get pregnant and I ended up having 5 miscarriages (2d& c's) until the final pregnancy with Travis. Anyway, Travis was head down the last month and I was huge. We knew he was going to be big but of course didn't know how big. The night before induction (I was induced on all others because my body doesn't seem to know to dialate on own), I went into get fully catheter put in to help me dialate faster and he was breech-feet down. The next morning we went in to check and he still was. I tried all weekend to do anything to get him to turn. We went in Monday morning and doctor said we could try version( turning) but if didn't work we would do c-section. We went in that early evening and got him turned which was super painful. He then broke my water which was super painful. They gave epidural and pitocin. A couple hours later with a contraction, his heart rate dropped. They came in and calmly rushed me to operating room to do emergency c-section. I was super scared of this and was afraid I would feel the cut. They gave me oxygen because I almost passed out. I felt something going on in stomach area but it didn't hurt. They got him out and Chris put his cheek to mine. When I kissed him he cried. They took him out and when they brought him back they said he was 9lbs 13 oz. I was shocked! That's huge. The cord had been around him. He was fine now.

I tried to nurse him but he wouldn't latch on. I ended up having to decide that we would bottle feed him. It has turned out for the best. A week after he was born, Candace and Matthew both got RSVP. Travis got an ear infection so we were really worried about him getting RSVP. he didn't get it and he was so blessed.

He is now 4 months old and doing great. He rolls over from tummy to back. He doesn't do well yet with solids but I'm sure he will soon.

I forgot to say he was born January 21, 2013 at 11:27 pm.

Now lets see if I can add some pics.