Saturday, June 21, 2008

Matthew Christopher Heki is here!!

Well, Matthew had turned head down by last Monday which I was so glad about. I went Tuesday late afternoon to the doctor and they put a fully catheter(how do you spell that?) in me to wear over night to help me dilate. It was really weird. I was supposed to have contractions which I didn't. I didn't think it worked but apparently it did because when I went in the next day to be induced I was dilated to between a 3-4. I was very surprised. The hospital was full of inductions so they didn't call me to come in until 11:30 am. Anyway since I was that dilated that far, it didn't take the 12-13 hours of labor that I usually have. He was born at 5:08 pm. He was 8 lb. 7 oz. and 22 in. long. That makes him bigger that all of his sisters. He is doing well and so am I. It was so nice having such a short labor and I didn't have to have an episiotomy and I didn't tear. Yea!!

The girls love him exuberantly of course. Here are a few pictures of him:


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! WHAT A CUTIE!!! Congrats to you guys...I don't know if Chris's smile could be any bigger!! Yay! You have a beautiful little boy.

Tiffaney said...

Congratulations Mae, to you and your family!!! I have been watching your Blog for a week now, and figured you probably had him, since nothing was getting posted! The pictures are darling of him, I love his hair! Mine never had much hair when they were born. :-) I'm so glad everything worked out alright!

amy said...

congratulations on your baby BOY!!!

Tracy said...

YEEEEEAAAAAH! What a cutie! He looks like his daddy. How fun. The boy adventure begins. I'm sure he is going to be spoiled rotten with all those girls mothering him and being the only boy. Good! I love it. Congratulations!

Sonja said...

Wow!!! For being so good at having cute girls, you really outdid yourself with this boy! Congrats!!!!

Anonymous said...

she would be fun in bed, get her little knickers off and show her where baby comes out