Thursday, July 30, 2009

Who doesn't want a doughnut?

Chris and I were in the mood for a snack tonight. Chris asked me what I wanted and I decided that I was in the mood for a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Chris went to get them while the girls were finishing watching a movie before bed. They must've not seen him carry them in when he got home because later when I was sitting at the table Heidi walked in and asked where they came from. I told her the Krispy Kreme restaurant. She asked if I went and got them. I told her no. She asked if Grandma Heki went and got them and we said no. She asked if we ordered them and I told her that you can't order doughnuts. She seemed really confused. Grandma Heki told her that Santa brought them. I told her that daddy had went and got them and still seemed confused (I don't know why). She asked if she could have one and I told her that kids couldn't have doughnuts at 10:00 at night. (I know, the kids have been going to bed late lately). SHe said she wasn't a kid, she was a decade old. I still told her no, that she could have one for breakfast. Erika walked in and saw the box. SHe asked if she could have one and I told her for breakfast she could in the morning. She pleaded and I still told her no. I took her back into her room to tuck her in and she asked if it was morning. I laughed and told her no. She said she had to go see. I didn't follow her but I assume she went to look out the window. Needless to say, I think we might have some early risers in the morning!!