Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Labor Day 2010!

Chris and I have moved our room downstairs to the bigger bedroom. For the time being, Heidi and Candace are going to be upstairs now in our old room. THey have been sleeping in the living room, on the couch downstairs (not allowed to sleep on new couches upstairs) , on the floor in the family room, and almost anywhere since May when we sold their bunk beds that were too big. ON Labor Day, CHris and I spent most of the day cleaning out our old room that had been needing to be done for a long time. We then drove down to IKEA in our new truck much to Chris' dislike. He disliked it because technically there aren't enough seat belts for all of us to each have our own. I didn't want to follow him down there in the van so I insisted that 4 of could squish in the front and 2 kids could share a seat belt. (We really weren't that squished).

Anyway, we drove down, bought a loft bed for Heidi (couldn't buy 2 because it is too tall for the room downstairs where Candace will be. ) It was dinner time so we actually stopped at a nearby park before going to IKEA and had a little picnic and let the kids play for a few minutes to get out their wiggles. THey had fun!

As we left IKEA, we just had to get some of their yummy cinnamon rolls. They are so delicious! THen we all piled back in the truck and headed home. We love our truck! I especially love it because it is automatic so I can drive it. :)

It was a good labor day. THe kids didn't do much laboring but Chris and I did. Maybe they will do more next year! :) One can hope!

Matthew playing at the park.

Natalie crossing the monkey bars.

Heidi getting ready to tackle the monkey bars.

Erika having help going across the zipline.

Candace going across the fast zipline


Heidi's new loft bed. We are going to put a desk underneath.


The Pettit Family said...

We have a ton of IKEA furniture. It's affordable and it's cute. It's always fun to redecorate. Have fun!

CodyandTraci said...

Fun Fun. Glad that all seems well for you. You guys are such a wonderful family, glad to have you as examples for us.