Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Candace's 7th birthday!

We went miniature golfing as a family for her birthday. THey loved it. She received a Mrs. Potato Head, a princess accessory for MRs. Potato Head, an electronic toothbrush, a pediatrician barbie with 2 babies (which Erika loves), and a new outfit. Her birthday was July 18. I am a little behind blogging. She is such a cutie. Her cake was an elephant. We have a fun cake book. We used an ice cream cone for the trunk. She also is starting piano lessons now that she is 7. She is so excited for piano. SHe has been asking me for months when she could start. Hopefully that means she will love to practice and do really well. She is in 2nd grade now and loves it. Her teacher's name is Miss Archibeque. What a name huh! Candace loves to read, do crafts, play on the computer, ride her bike and scooter, and play.